Other Monsters

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Name:mob Speed:Experience:Loot:Cutting: 
Ancient Vampireunknown~7.800~800gp. Chance for Great Activation ScrollunknownAncient Vampire.jpg
Black Widowunknown~13.000-13.500~5.500gp. Chance for Enchant Scrolls +3, Treasure Maps lvl 7, Artefacts,
Brazier of Evil (the acces item for the Temple of Evil)
unknownBlack Widow.PNG
Brown Reapervery slow~10.000~1.000gp. 11 Redwood log, Treasure Maps lvl 7,
Chance for random log up to Elven log,
Brazier of Evil (the acces item for the Temple of Evil)
Brown dead Wood 2Brown Reaper.PNG
Chaos Impunknown~5500~1.900gp.unknownCaos imp.jpg
Dark wispunknown~22.000~5.000gp. Chance for: Enchant Scrolls +5unknownDark Wisp.jpg
Dread Skeletonunknown~7.000~2.000gp.unknownDread Skeleton.jpg
Evil Eyeunknown~19.000~4.500gp.unknownEvile.jpg
Fire Harpyfast8.0004.000gp. sometimes Enchant Scrolls +3 / +4Fire Feather 1Fire Harpy.png
Giant Black Widowunknown~38.000~9.500gp. Chance for Enchant Scrolls +4, Treasure Maps lvl 7, Skill Books, Artefacts,
Brazier of Evil (the acces item for the Temple of Evil)
unknownGiant Black Widow.PNG
Harpyfast1.000noFeather's 50Harpy.png
Ice Serpent Elderslow4.000Treasure Maps lvl 6 (rare)Serpent's Nox Crystal 2Ice Serpent Elder.png
Impfast~1.000~300gp. Enchant Scrolls +2 (rare)Standart Hide 6, Raw Ribs 3Imp.jpg
Lord of Forestunknown~35.500~40.000gp. Enchant Scrolls +4 / +5(2x), Deamonic log, Lord of Forest's log, ArtefactsunknownLord of Forest.PNG
North Cyclopsslow8.0003.000-4.000gp. Treasure Maps lvl 7 (rare), Skull with Candle (rare)North Cyclopean Scalp 1North Cyclops.png
Ophidian Mageslow6.0003.000-4.000gp. 3-7 Scrolls circle 2 to 7Obhidian Hide 1Ophidian Mage.png
Ophidian Warriorslow7.0003.000-4.000gp.Obhidian Hide 1Ophidian Warrior.png
Rotting corpseunknown7.0002.500gp.unknownRotting corpse.jpg
Rune BeetleunknownunknownEnchant Scrolls +4 / +5 (rare), gems, sometimes Decoration Items and Mithril Ingot.
Find the Beetle on the fields near the entrance to the Destart.
unknownRune Beetle.png
Subterranean Mongbathigh200noBatwings 2Subterranean Mongbat.jpg
Sucubusunknown~8.800~2.500gp. Chance for: Enchant Scrolls +3, Treasure Maps lvl 6, Artefacts,
Brazier of Evil (the acces item for the Temple of Evil)
Vampire Bathigh2501-10gp.Batwings 2Vampire Bat.png
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